Friday, October 31, 2008

Pre-K Halloween Party

Thanks for all the input on the baby names! It looks like Nicholas is the front runner....and nearly everyone has said that sticking with the "N" is the thing to do....guess you all know my OCD's all too well!
Yesterday, Nolan had his Halloween party at school. Matt was going to try and make it so he could help me with the kids, but he wasn't able to leave work. Thankfully, though, the kids were no problem at all. All the preschoolers did a parade through the halls of the school, and I pushed Nathan in the stroller with Natalie either by my side or trying to walk with Nolan. Once we got back to the classroom, Nathan got out of the stroller and played with the classroom toys and actually didn't try to escape! The parent volunteers had enough cupcakes and snacks to share with Natalie and Nathan as well, so they were both in hog heaven eating all the yummy snacks. Natalie was even invited to sit at "circle" with Nolan while the kids sang songs. She looked like she could have fit right in.....she sat quietly and took it all in. Even when we came home, she was trying to sing "Itsy Bitsy Spider" just like they did at was too cute. When it was time to leave, one of the teachers stayed with my kids so I could get the van and drive it to the door closest to the classroom....and I must say it was a great help!
Here are some pics from the party.

Circle time.

I couldn't get their a back shot is the best I could do!

Nolan and Eddie...
Eddie begged me to take his was just too cute.

Tuesday, October 28, 2008

The Name Game!

So Matt and I still haven't officially decided on a name for the new baby. Here are some of our suggestions.....and I'm open for any feedback!!!

Sticking with the N's:

Nicholas Andrew
Neal Andrew
(by popular demand, I'm adding another):
Noah Andrew

Going in another direction:

Curtis Andrew
Andrew Drake
Colton Andrew

Obviously we both really like the name Andrew....and it has Biblical and family ties....which both boys have as well. Again, I'm open for suggestions....shoot me an e-mail or leave a comment about what you think!

Thursday, October 23, 2008

Parent/Teacher Conference

Yesterday evening, Matt and I had the opportunity to talk with Nolan's teachers at the school's first Parent/Teacher Conference. As soon as we all were seated, Miss Aimee simply said, "He is just sooooo bright." She said that Nolan was so far advanced in class and is doing great as far as social skills are concerned. She also said that if Pre-K had a gifted program, she would definitely put Nolan in it.

She gave us a handout of observations she had done on Nolan. She even laughed because his observations are quite lengthy compared to the other children...simply because Nolan provides so many opportunities for observation. One of the things that cracked me up on the observation list said, "Nolan counted 119 spiders with the spider game." I asked Nolan how the game was played, and he said they had to count spiders as they put them in a box. To me, it was just amusing because who has the patience/attention span to pick up and count 119 toy spiders??? Miss Aimee also shared an amusing story about how Nolan asked her if she knew what all the poles outside were for. Miss Aimee played along, and asked Nolan what they were for. He then went on to explain to her how the poles ran electricity to people's houses and this enabled them to turn their lights on! But I guess since Matt works for Verizon, it's no wonder Nolan knows about utility poles. Also, she was working with the children on recognizing parts of a book. She asked Nolan to point to the title of a book, and instead of pointing to it, Nolan reads it....."Fall Leaves Falling" he told her. She said she laughed and thought to herself, "well, he didn't POINT at it, but I think he knows."

Of course, all of the "smarts" she talked about concerning Nolan came to no surprise to Matt or myself....we know he is above average. It was the social aspect that we were more concerned with.....and simply because Nolan would rather carry on conversations with adults for the most part. Again, Miss Aimee said he was doing fine. She said he interacts well with the other kids, but he still likes to play by himself some too. She told us about a little girl in class with special needs, and that sometimes this child doesn't get to go outside and play with the others. One day, Nolan asked if he could stay inside with her as well. Miss Aimee said it was great because Nolan would come and talk to the other child and was trying to include her in the things he was doing. Miss Aimee said that Nolan was an absolute pleasure to have in class and said when she goes home at the end of the day, it's Nolan that she talks about.

Matt and I were so pleased to hear these wonderful things from Nolan's teacher. We are both so very proud of him in every way imaginable. I tend to brag on him quite a bit, but it's hard not to...he gives me a lot to brag about. I love all of my children more than words can describe, and they are each so unique. Their individuality's are what make them so special and are all such a joy to have. I am proud to be my kids' mommy.

Tuesday, October 21, 2008

Quick Dr.'s Appt.

I had to see another doctor in the practice yesterday (one whom I've seen before and didn't care much for). I was hoping my opinion of him would change this time, but it didn't.....I'm sure this means he'll be the doctor on call when I have this baby! Anyways, he decided not to give me an exam, so I have no clue if I've progressed in the past week. My next appointment will be next I'll have to wait until then unless baby decides to come beforehand.

Monday, October 20, 2008

Time Alone

Matt took all the kids to his parents house on Saturday, and returned on Sunday afternoon with just Nolan. Natalie and Nathan will be spending the week with Mom-o and Pops again. I miss them already, but it is nice to have some time to myself. I actually took a bubble bath on Saturday night and used the jets in the tub; then, treated myself to a self-performed manicure and facial! Sure it would've been nice to go to a spa to have this done, but maybe some other time. I'm actually considering getting a pedicure today before my doctor's appointment since I can't reach my toes very well! I'll try to update again after my doctor's appointment to let everyone know if any change has occurred....with every exam, I get a little more anxious!
I'll leave you with some pics of the kids.

Ready to go to Mom-o's house! Nathan wouldn't cooperate for this pic...

I guess he wanted a pic all to himself!!!

All of Granny & Poppy's great-grandchildren.

Uncle Jason trying to get Natalie to relax with him....obviously this didn't last long!

Natalie was giving Poppy some kisses, but getting a picture of this didn't exactly work.

Nolan and Judson had a blast wrestling with each other.

Wednesday, October 15, 2008

Another Prego Update

Again, I will apologize for not having pics to post this week.....the past few weeks have been more about keeping this baby from making an appearance than anything else. I've had help the past few weeks from my grandma, Matt's parents, and my dad and his wife. I'm actually expecting my dad again today in a couple hours.

I had an ultrasound on Monday to get an estimate of the baby's weight. I look smaller than my other pregnancies, but it's because I've carried extremely low the whole time. Anyways, the ultrasound looked great, and they estimate the baby's weight at 5lbs 12 oz....give or take 13 it appears we're still on track. I also had an exam this morning, and to my relief, I'm still only dilated 2cm. My doctor is pretty confident that if I can refrain from over-doing-it for another week, that everything will be fine. She told me that after next Wednesday, I can "nest" and clean to my heart's content....but to also be aware that it will probably send me into labor! I will have to fight the urge to get back to my normal self and work myself to death, but I'll at least hold off until next Friday. Matt has a ticket to Thursday night's WVU game, and I definitely don't want to spoil that for him. However, if I'm at the hospital the night of the game, he can just walk back and forth from the game to the hospital and tailgate along the way!

Well, that's the latest news. I will try and do a little better blogging with some kid pics, but don't hold your breath!

Thursday, October 2, 2008

Pregnancy Update

So my thoughts of delivering early are looming. I spent Monday night in the hospital on 24 hour observation. I had gone in for a doctor's appointment on Monday, and during my hour wait in the waiting room, I was having contractions about every 2 minutes. I told my nurse as soon as she took me to the exam room, so she promptly informed the doctor. They did a FFN test which is basically like flipping a coin to see my chances of delivering in the next two weeks....the test was positive, but again, it's NOT a sure thing!!! She also gave me an exam, and I am dilated to one already and 50% thinned out. The doctor hooked me up on monitors at the office to observe my contractions, and it was confirmed that I was having contractions every 2 I was immediately instructed to drive myself to the hospital. I was given some medicine to help slow the took a few doses to kick in, but luckily, they slowly vanished. Before being released from the hospital, I was examined again, and had no change in it's not preterm labor, just preterm contractions for now.

I got home from the hospital at about 10pm on Tuesday. I had an uneventful night and thought I was going to be in the clear. However at 9 am Wednesday, I began having contractions again. They were about 3-4 minutes apart, and more discomforting than the previous ones I had before. I waited about 2 hours before deciding I should head back to the hospital. Again, they examined me, and no change had occurred, and they also administered the same medication to slow the contractions (which again worked). After asking the doctors if I could get a prescription of this medicine to take at home, they decided that I could. I was prescribed to take it every 6 hours for the next 2 weeks, but I'm actually disobeying and am only going to take it if I feel contractions coming on again. The side effects to me aren't worth taking it when not necessary, so hopefully I'm not making a bad decision.

Today, everything has been great so far. I've had no contractions and haven't even had to take any medicine since leaving the hospital yesterday. If I begin labor as of about Wednesday next week, they won't do anything to stop me, but everyone seems to be working hard at this point to try and get me to term which would be 36 weeks (Oct. 22). And again, there's no predicting when this baby will come....he may even continue to give me fits and wait to come past his due date!!! Wouldn't you know it....I've had nearly perfect pregnancies for the past 3 kids, and number 4 is giving me fits!!! I guess someone is just making sure that this is the last time I get pregnant!!!! And believe you me, it's working like a charm :)