Wednesday, December 3, 2008


Matt left for Charleston yesterday, and had to stay the night there for a meeting today. He's still not home yet, but I feel like the bulk of my work is over! I actually survived a night on my own with 4 kids! I never thought he would have to be out of town so much, but now I know I can get by for a night on my own.

I only gave 2 baths last night, even though Nicholas was due for one, I figured he could skip another night. Nathan and Natalie, though, were pretty dirty since I didn't catch Nathan in time to prevent him from dipping toys in a pee-filled potty with Natalie by his side! I thought Nathan had gotten over his toilet obsession, but I was wrong, as he was dipping more things in the toilet this morning.

Matt probably won't be home in time for dinner this evening, but another one of my wonderful neighbors offered to bring dinner to our house tonight....and I didn't even attempt to refuse the offer!!! I'll take any help I can get these days.

Last night's sleeping arrangements were pretty undesirable. I had gone to bed with Nolan and as soon as he fell asleep, Nicholas woke up. So I headed down to the couch for a diaper change and feeding. I fell asleep on the couch with Nicholas beside me (yes, this is a no-no....but it works for me). At around 2 a.m. or so, Nolan made his way down to the couch as well, and curled up on the end opposite me. Then, at 15 til 5a.m., Natalie came down to tell me that she didn't pee the bed, but that her pants were wet (and, yes, she DID pee the bed). So Natalie spent the remainder of her sleep in the rocking chair. Nathan was the only one who slept where he was supposed to!!! I'm glad Nolan was there on the couch this morning, because he woke me up at 7:20. Otherwise, I probably would have overslept and missed his bus!

I'm looking forward to having Matt with me this evening....even if he's late getting home, at least I'll have some adult conversation!

One final note: Nolan brought home his "art" from school yesterday. He drew a picture of New Mexico and wrote it as well. I just wonder what his teacher thought about a 4 year old drawing a picture of a state....and quite well too!

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